‘Leanness’ and Agile systems and basics are no longer just for traditional processes. Indeed it's been a long time since Design and development processes have also been involved. When they implement Lean Six Sigma, our consultants usually also involve the technical office in order to help companies to reach:
- Design time and Time-to-market reduction
- BOM standardization
- Project Strengthening
- Problems' reduction such as defectiveness and project changes as production starts
- Improvement of project interfaces – manufacturing on machines and assembly lines.
- Increase of creativity in innovation and inventiveness of product/process
- Etc.
To reach these scores our consultants typically adopt innovative instruments and methodologies such as:
- Lean office for design (Lean Engineering) to map processes and reduce wastes in general
- Project Management for general planning of projects
- Agile organisation according to SCRUM for a day-by-day management of work load and changes
- Variety Reduction Programs for BOM
- DFx (Design For Cost, Design For Manufacturing, Design for Assembly, Design for Maintainability)
- DFSS (Design For Six Sigma)
- TRIZ (Theory of inventive problem solving)
- APQP and PPAP processes.